
July 24, 2009
Dom Helder

Dom Helder

Based in Perth, Western Australia, the CCSA is an independent, non-denominational Centre founded on the Christian faith and inspired by the Gospel call to ‘works of justice and mercy’. The Centre, run by Peter and Marya Stewart and helped by many volunteers, is funded entirely by donation. It provides a local focus for the integration of action on social justice issues, the church’s social teachings and a house of hospitality for the needy in the area.

It is located at 879 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park. There is worship service every Wednesday evening from 5.30 – 8pm (except during January) which includes a time of silent meditation, liturgy,  shared reflection on the Scripture readings for the week and a simple meal during which information is shared about local events and actions.

Contact: Peter Stewart, 08 9472 4227 email: ccsa@arach.net.au.

Problems – a poem by Pat Mohen

September 3, 2009

Brother Pat Mohen wrote a poem in response to the newspaper article.


I read an interesting article

in the daily morning paper

regarding a homeless man,

fined almost six two oh dollars

for sleeping under the Causeway.

A week later, a lady ‘journo’

commented on this case

and added another such case

of a man sleeping in King’s Park.

All this info grows out of a centre

where I worked for eleven years.

I am now useless and now ‘in care’ myself,

having had a leg removed

and the other one is in a bad state.

The care centre I am now in

is fairly good in its caring

but when I read about such situations

that I helped work with

up until a few years ago,

I feel so utterly useless

and a totally useless ‘has been’.

Organised by my former boss Peter;

he is surrounded by cases and cures.

If only I could be useful again.

Homelessness in the West

September 3, 2009

On Saturday 22nd August, the West Australian published an article about the plight of a friend of the Centre fined $620 for trespassing after sleeping under the Causeway. Peter Stewart was photographed at the site for the article.

The public wrote a number of letters in support of the man to the paper over the following days. Generous donations even covered the cost of the fine, meaning that our friend will avoid jail.

The following Saturday 29 August, Jessica Strutt wrote a follow up opinion piece about the stupidity of the police and court in fining our friend. Both articles are reproduced below.

Unease at vagrants fine

It doesn't make sense to punish homeless

Bank’s donation to the Centre

September 3, 2009

The Christian Centre for Social Action made the news several times in August.

The local paper reported on the Westpac East Victoria Park branch’s kind donation of $1000 worth of consumables and $500 from head office. Click below to view the article.

CCSA Westpac local paper